Wednesday, May 21, 2014

six series

Here is a collection of photos that I have taken through out the year. none have been uploaded yet. some include my biking DEALL, my motion series and other events.All are interesting photos however the photos have all been  made to look like posters. My favorite is second photo that I took in the library the motion really adds to the picture. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I haven't uploaded this photo to edit because of the lack of eye contact with Joshua. However I kept the photo because it's simply fun! The faces, and expression really tell a story. I added a yellowish tin I think that that gives this picture a bit more life! 
I took this photo a really long time ago during rule of thirds. I also never uploaded this before because of the dullness of this photo. So what I did was focus on the urchin and that caused the spins to appear shaper. Also focusing on that point causes the background to blur. I really like this photo.

I took this photo for leading lines. I thought It was bring to look at and not a strong example. However now the photo is a lot stronger. The colors arc soft and really has an SF feel to it. I really like the bus in this photo.

This photo was taken during  the design assignment. I also never uploaded this before. Making the pink Scarf stand out was really important in this photo. Also there is a bit of movement in this photo that makes it look natural. I really enjoyed this assignment.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I turned most of my photos into album covers. I really like the leading lines, repetition and rule of thirds. My favorite part about this picture is the blue walls on the houses on the left side of the picture. 


I really like the use of reflection in this photo. The water is a beautiful blue. In this poster I used rule or thirds, new perspectives and leading lines. This is a very colorful poster and I like it.

This photo was taken towards the sky with a shutter speed that aloud a lot of light in. The I went online and increased the shadows and contrasted. The words on this album cover are one direction inspired.

This would be a album cover. I was going for the theme of lost. The white shoes on a dark back ground are a great contrast. The words "I Don't know" explain this photo very well. 

This reminds me of something in a newspaper. The stop light, the orange hand and the writing all make sense together. This more than any of my photos send some sorta of message less of and expression. I like how this photo is mostly neutral colors. 

I wanted to keep all of my titles short and to the point. I like this picture because it's not flashy or loud its simple with a lot to offer. I enjoy the use of red in any photo

Friday, January 24, 2014

Stop Motion

This photo is an example of stop motion. I tried to create a story within my photo. Since everyone is starting a the camera with serious expressions josh jumping is a lot more interesting. Also I tried to use rule of thirds in this photo.
 This is my favorite photo because of the use of rule of thirds. Also this is taken in a different perspective, somethings that we learned as our first assignment. 

 Josh's facial expression is really happy in this photo! Also I like Sophie's arms. I used subject direction and tried to tell some story and the uses of rule of thirds. Also Josh's eye contract is really important!  
This photo is really interesting because the subjects are shoes. Also you can see a difference  in  each persons height of their jump. I really enjoyed this assignment!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I took this photo while pointing the camera to the sky. The green is this photo are trees and the specks  of blue is the sky. I swung my camera. I really enjoy this picture.
This photo was taken on the courtyard. I was running while taking this photo. I also did not expect the light in this photo to be orange.

I really like this photo because you can see Jonathan through about four steps. Also the lockers are out of focuses as well. And it really interesting that I was moving while taking this and so was the subject of this photo. 

My favorite motion of the camera was twisting it. This was taken in the basement of the stairs. This photo is so much more interesting because of the motion. I think this is really nice to look at.  

This is an example of rule of thirds as well as motion. Adam was waving is hand in this photo and it turn out great! It looks like he has about twice as many fingers.

Molly actually twirled in this photo. However it mostly like she's standing straight up. However you can tell that she swung her arms. I really like this photo because there is not a lot of distracting colors.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


 I choose to use the foreground in focus and creates depth. The rule of thirds is also present in this photo with a darker corner on the left side. This photo was taken quickly and I didn't expect to use it. 

Something that I really like about this silhouette is the hint of color on outside of Jonathan's hoodie. The red color creates a bit of depth. I also think that the buildings in the background are an important part of this photo.

The source of light in this photo is on a corner in rule of thirds. If you focuse of the light you can see a bit of color. 

This photo is an example of silhouette. The blue sky creates an intresting background. 

The left is the subject of the photo and it completly blacked out. The telephone wires are leading lines. Also the building in rule of thirds.

This is my favorite photo from this assignment. Not only the tress are blacked out and the shadows are important, Also the people walking in the right side of this photo are really intresting.